
Please Read and Sign Before Participating


This document effects your legal rights. You should read it carefully before signing.


I understand and acknowledge that by signing this document, I am releasing, on behalf of myself (and my minor children, if any) and my agents, heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns (collectively “Releasors”), Bethlehem Trails Association (BTA), PRKR MTN Trails (PRKR), and Franconia Area NEMBA (FA-NEMBA), the managing agencies operating the land on which these trails exist, and their respective volunteers, sponsors, promoters, affiliates, heirs, attorneys, directors, officers, employees, agents, members, successors and assigns (collectively “Releasees”), from any and all claims, debts, demands, rights, actions, causes of action, whether known or unknown, at law or in equity, which I ever had, now have, or in the future may have against Releasees relating to or in connection with my participation (or that of my minor children) in the use of BTA, PRKR, or FA-NEMBA trails, including but not limited to, personal injuries and property damage which have arisen or which may arise out of any activities related to BTA, PRKR, or FA-NEMBA trails, whether or not caused by the negligence of any of Releasees.


Releasors agree not to sue any Releasees for or in connection with my personal injuries, death, or property damage (or those of my minor children, if any) resulting from the use of BTA, PRKR, or FA-NEMBA trails.


I understand and acknowledge that trail use is physically demanding and may result in personal injury and/or property damage. I further understand and acknowledge that I (and my minor children, if any) have a responsibility to follow the instructions of BTA, PRKR, or FA-NEMBA personnel and to be familiar with the terrain on which BTA, PRKR, or FA-NEMBA trails exist.


I freely agree to the terms of this Release. With this Release, I intend to bind myself (and my minor children, if any) and my agents, heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns.


I acknowledge that the Release is a contract with legal consequences and not a mere recital, that I have been advised to read it carefully before signing, and that I sign my name below as my own free act and deed.